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June 10, 2019

What Are Symptoms Of Nerve Damage?

by Admin in Physical Therapy

What Are Symptoms Of Nerve Damage?

With any injury or other source of pain, there is always the possibility of nerve damage.  Before being able to answer this important question, you must first understand how nerves function in your body.

What role do nerves serve in the body? 

Nerves communicate messages between the brain and other parts of the body through electrical signals. They are responsible for telling muscles to move and letting the brain know when something is causing pain or a change in pressure or temperature. Nerves are fragile and can be easily damaged in a variety of ways.

What causes nerve pain?

Nerve Damage - Hand and Wrist Pain

Nerve pain can be caused by a variety of factors including injuries and other health conditions. Pressure, like in carpal tunnel syndrome, can cause nerve pain in the hand and wrist. Traumatic injuries can cause nerve pain in various areas of the body. Diseases like diabetes or autoimmune diseases can also affect the nerves’ ability to function normally.

What are the symptoms of nerve damage?

Most people experience some level of pain with nerve damage. For some, it’s a stabbing pain that wakes them up in the middle of the night. For others, it manifests as a burning or tingling sensation that can last all day. Nerve damage can also interrupt critical signals between the brain and muscles, preventing the muscles from working properly or causing numbness. Some common symptoms of nerve damage are:

  • Pain or sensitivity
  • Muscle weakness or twitching
  • Paralysis
  • Tingling or burning sensation
  • Numbness

Whatever the symptoms, nerve pain can be debilitating and effect every aspect of daily life.

Is nerve damage permanent?

Although it may take months, non-operative recovery is possible for many nerve injuries. For nerve damage that does require surgery, nerve grafting, transfers, or muscle transfers may help to re-animate a limb. The important thing is to schedule a consultation with a trained doctor to help diagnose the symptoms of nerve damage and come up with a treatment plan. The specialists at Colorado Springs Orthopaedic Group are always happy to see patients and help them recover from injuries or nerve damage.

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