Prevention Tips: Avoid Orthopaedic Disorders and Injuries.
According to the old adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s certainly true when it comes to orthopedic disorders and injuries. One of the best ways to deal with them is to avoid them in the first place.
Here are several simple ways you can avoid serious orthopedic disorders and injuries:
- Watch your weight. Did you know that for every 10 pounds you gain, there is a 36% increased risk that you will eventually develop osteoarthritis? Imagine the stress that an additional 20, 30, 40 pounds or more would put on your muscles and joints! Simply maintaining the normal weight for your height will greatly reduce that risk.
- Never stop exercising. Regardless of your age, regular exercise increases muscle mass and helps keep your joints functioning properly. The best routines include walking, swimming, stretching, and biking on level ground. However, limit or avoid exercises that place extreme stress on your joints, such as long-distance running and deep knee bends. Also, be sure to stretch before you exercise to maintain flexibility, enhance performance, and reduce the risk of stress injuries such as sprains and strains.
- Focus on developing strong core muscles. These help you balance your body weight, rather than putting too much stress on specific joints. You can strengthen your core muscles by practicing yoga and/or pilates.
- Wear supportive yet comfortable footwear. The right shoes promote proper alignment and reduce the risk of developing back or knee pain.
- Make sure your home and workplace are safe. Most injuries occur in the home and in work environments. Household safeguards may include handrails on stairs and hallways, proper flooring, and the installation of bathmats and grips in bathtubs to avoid slips and falls. At home or on the job, be conscious of repetitive movements that can cause strains. If you must do some heavy lifting, be sure to stretch first, then lift using your legs and core muscles. Also, be sure your workstation is ergonomically friendly, especially if you need to sit for long hours or work at a computer. Take frequent breaks to avoid repetitive stress conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
At CSOG Express Bone & Joint Injury Care, not only can we treat your pain – we can show you how to prevent and avoid orthopedic disorders and injuries. If you have any questions about our express care services, please call our office at