Dr. Sung Answers Questions About Management of Severe Pain
Dr. Roger Sung is a fellowship-trained and board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in cervical and lumbar surgery, microsurgery, and minimally invasive surgery. He also performs complex spine reconstruction via minimally invasive techniques. With his experience in this specialty, he has helped many patients manage severe pain.
Dr. Sung offers spine surgery with local or spinal anesthesia as an alternative to general anesthesia. These options allow many patients to have complex surgeries in an outpatient setting. Dr. Sung’s expertise with minimally invasive techniques allows for quicker recovery and faster return to normal function.
Should I only take pain medication when I’m having severe pain?
No. You should take your pain medication just as it is prescribed. It is much easier to keep mild pain under control rather than wait until it becomes severe pain. There may be times you take your medication when you are not experiencing any pain at all. This is the best method of managing your pain.
What should I do when my pain level increases to unmanageable pain?
If your pain level has become unmanageable, you should contact your doctor. There may be certain activities or certain times of day when you will experience more severe pain. If your current pain management plan is no longer effective, your doctor can help make adjustments to make you more comfortable.
What are some ways to manage severe pain on my own?
You can always try:
- Relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing
- Reducing stress
- Staying physically active
All of these methods can help you deal with chronic and severe pain.
Are narcotics the only way to manage severe pain?
No. I make it a priority to provide all my patients with comprehensive and individualized treatment so they can return to the activities they love. If narcotic pain medication is not the best treatment for you, we can look into other options like physical therapy, occupational therapy, or in some cases surgery.
Will I always be in severe pain?
Hopefully not. Chronic pain is very difficult to live with. I work with my patients on the best treatment plan so that you will be able to live the life you were used to before being slowed down by severe pain.
If you are in chronic or severe pain, you can contact Colorado Springs Orthopaedic Group to make an appointment with Dr. Sung for a consultation.